          The Magic Wand

Competing July 10th at the Calgary Stampede...
June 13th, 2005

Help cheer me on and be apart of something amazing!

On July 10th, 2005 I will be competing at the Boyce Theatre on the Stampede grounds. Come on by and watch the show because not only will you get to see my pirate magic act, you will also get to see other great upcoming talent such as singers, dancers, and actors! There are only 500 seats available and they are given in a first come first serve bases. The show will start at 7:30pm and the best part is that you don't have to pay to get in... you only have to pay to enter the Stampede park.

You can find a map of Stampede Park here and I have circled the Boyce Theatre to help you out. If you have any other questions about this please feel free to email me and I will help you out as much as I can.

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I hope you will be able to come and watch me compete and remember... MAKE SOME NOISE IF YOU DO!!!! Be sure to come and meet me after the competition as well. See you there!

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